Empowering Consumers. Ensuring Fairness.

About Us

Welcome to the Consumer Advocacy Association (CAA), where our mission is to empower and protect consumers from scams and unfair practices while advocating for stronger financial laws and regulations.

Collage of 4 images denoting consumer prtections.

We Currently Accept Complaints About

Credit Repair

Credit reports and other personal consumer reports

Debt collection

Debt and credit management

Debt Settlement

Money transfers, virtual currency, and money services

Payday loans

Personal loans like installment, advance, and title loans

What Steps Should I Take Prior To Submitting A Complaint

At CAA, we believe that every consumer deserves to be treated with dignity and respect. We also believe that businesses should be given the chance to fix any oversights or errors prior to the official complaint process. We do not believe the complaint process should be used for airing simple grievances or differences of opinion, but rather should be one step on the path to finding a remedy for all parties involved.

Therefore, we encourage to contact the company and share your specific concerns and allow them the opportunity to respond appropriately, prior to the official complaint process.

What Happens After I Submit A Complaint

After you submit a complaint, you will receive email updates and can check the status of your complaint.

Route: We'll send your complaint directly to the company so it can review the issues in your complaint. If we find that a specific government agency would be better able to assist, we will send your complaint to them and let you know.

Investigate: We will conduct an investigation based on the information you provide. We will confirm the company's history with you via the personal information (name, phone number, email) you provide and gather all available details. Note: we are a not-for-profit organization focused on assisting consumers. We are not a government agency. While the vast majority of companies cooperate with our investigation, we cannot force them to turn over specific information if they refuse, as a government agency could.

Company response: The company will communicate with you as needed and respond to the issues in your complaint. Companies generally respond in 15 days. In some cases, the company will let you know their response is in progress and provide a final response in 60 days.

Consumer review: We will let you know when the company responds. You’ll be able to review the company’s response and will have 60 days to provide feedback about the company's response.

I agree to terms & conditions provided by the organization. By providing my email and phone number, I agree to receive text messages from the organization in an effort to investigate my complaint submission.

Copyright 2024. Consumer Advocacy Association. All rights Reserved.